I am a born Hindu and believe in a supreme power that is beyond the comprehension of most of us common folks. As a modern urban Hindu, my religious orientations are not particularly strong. I have no problem in bowing to the supreme power though any method that various religions may offer, so long as it is out of my free will. In the past, I have closed my eyes and offered a quick prayer when I passed a temple, a church, a gurdwara or a mosque. On each occasion, I got a sense of calmness and little boost to my dwindling confidence towards the task in hand.
Also in my life so far, no one has forced me to adopt any particular religious practice, though I have witnessed a number of them in the family. While some of these practices are logical and based on some sort of scientific reasoning, many are just followed as they have been accepted as custom. I found it easier to follow those with some sort of reasoning and followed others, if at all, out of respect towards elders who told me so. However, I have come to adopt only very few of such religious practices in my life that could satisfy my reasoning for their existence.
This freedom of choice, to seek the supreme power through any medium or process, is highly practical and achieves the aim of boosting the confidence or comforting myself in a moment of distress.
When looked in the context of religious polarisation in the world today, I consider myself as a liberal who respects all religions while continuing to be a proud Hindu. I am not an expert in the subject of religion, but I have been told since my childhood that all religions are nothing but different routes to reach the same supreme being. But in present times, this belief of mine get subjected to regular critical scrutiny when I hear ever increasing shrill of voices that promote own religion over others and force obedience to own religious practices & beliefs. I also notice that these voices come from all religions with no exception, and have become a major reason for social conflicts. These conflicts are gradually getting intense and are spreading through all parts of the world. The frequency and intensity of such conflicts is gradually reaching a point where almost all societies look divided with fragile peace, if any, and are ready to erupt with even a trivial trigger.
I have attempted many a times to look deeper in search for a reason as to why any religion, that is meant to show the path of salvation and peace to its followers, can become the rallying point for social conflict of such proportions as we witness today. Each time my quest takes me to confusing and diverse directions that digress me from the primary objective. I do realise that it is a highly complex socio-religious sphere with no single answer to this quest. However, when I analyse my own upbringing and the freedom that was allowed to me as a child who could reason with the religion, I do see some patterns and probable answers.
Lets start from the beginning...
First - In order to keep going in the face of adversity, humans need something to hold onto. Today this 'something' could be support of parents, a friend, a relative, a religious leader or God. In the past after the humans developed the cognitive abilities and imagination, this 'something' was provided by some gifted orators & social leaders that showed way out of misery like hunger, lack of shelter, illness or oppression by some powerful ruler. They would have also reasoned as to what led a man to such distress and how to keep out of trouble. When the followers increased, the guidelines became some sort of set of rules to be followed to avoid troubles. At the same time, the occurrences or phenomenon that could not be explained logically, might have been attributed to a super natural force beyond the human imagination. This later got converged into religion and the societies got their first Gods. When worship and adherence to the guidelines were successful in keeping people out of troubles, Gods became successful with mass following. As religion provided that 'something' to hold onto, it survived, was carefully nurtured and evolved over centuries . However, overtime the practitioners of religion introduced many practices that were more for their own selfish benefits than the social good. When some followers would have questioned such practices, at this juncture the religion might have been given a form that was beyond questioning and human reasoning - it just needed to be followed because God said so. Scared of unfavourable consequences, many blindly followed what was told to them.
Second - As the religion had mass following with majority that did not question even the wrong practices, politicians would have found it a very promising tool to expand their political desires. So the religion came to acquire a very prominent place in any king's strategy to rule. This marriage of convenience benefitted both the sides and together it generated a power that ensured long term rule. The acceptability of King to masses must have improved when religious leaders were seen by his side. During these times, the religious practices would have got further refined and text / holy books written to record and perpetuate religion. Similarly, as most needs of the religious leaders were met by the Kings, the religious leaders focused on spirituality, a state of mind that is only possible when lower level needs of Maslow's hierarchy are met. It is very hard for a person struggling to arrange food or shelter for his family to focus on spirituality.
Third - Subsequently, there appears to be a carefully crafted scheme to grow the number of followers, to keep them from questioning the religious practices and to uphold supremacy of the imaginary force called God. This led to introduction of religious text in the education system through stories to shape the thinking since early childhood. Many schools (madrasas / gurukuls / missionary schools etc) taught religion to produce future religious leaders to perpetuate the religion and its practices. Children only learnt what was shown / taught to them and there appears to be a systematic suppression of human logic, a critical element that differentiates homo sapiens from animals. As human logic was suppressed, the pass outs from these schools, were more like human machines or half animals that followed religion without any application of human reasoning.
Four - With the birth of new religions in the societies when old religion came to have too many wrong practices and as people travelled from one part of the world to the other and found locals following different religious practices and different Gods, religious competition began. This competition, sometimes, was fierce and violent. Canvassing own religion and conversion from other faiths to own, become the contentious issue. While some countries welcomed new religions from overseas, others protected local religion at great costs.
Five - However, as world became interconnected, the religions were no longer restricted to the place of their origin and gained followers in different countries. However, they remained dominant in the place of their origin, leading to emergence of centers of their prominence with majority followers. With societies divided in majority and minorities on the basis of religion, the intergroup competition started by religion, took the shape of a game for dominance where one group attempting to outplay the other. This game has been played for decades now and has become so deep rooted that a person gets easily identified with his religion than any other characteristic.
Six - Once societies got divided along religious lines, it was a recipe ready to be further exploited for political objectives. This is what happened thereafter. Like politics, religion also became a profession that was mostly aimed at own growth and prosperity. With religion becoming the subject of heated debates and conflicts, even otherwise rational individuals took extreme positions in matters related to the religion and started dividing the world between us and them. The religion has become sort of identity today and we have lost our originality of being humans. If we look deeply, it may be a sort of virus that that have corrupted the cognitive sphere of most of us today to such an extent that it looks improbable to repair it any time soon.
In today's world order where most religions exist almost everywhere, freedom to follow what one feels right for himself / herself without being questioned or looked down upon, is the only mantra for co-existence. However, with the extent of cognitive corruption that we carry today, it may not be a reality in our lifetime.